James Alan Cox Student Photography Scholarships


November 15, 2021


  • High school students applying for these scholarships must have completed one year at an accredited high school (student must therefore be a sophomore or older) and should have taken at least one photography or related art class.
  • College or technical school students applying for these scholarships must have completed one year at a accredited college, university or professional school (student must therefore be a sophomore or older), and have taken courses in photography or photojournalism.
  • Graduate students applying for a scholarship should be enrolled in a journalism or photojournalism program.
  • High school, college and graduate students should have at least one semester remaining at time of award.

Type of Awards:

A) Five (5) Digital SLR Cameras will be awarded to five (5) high school students. (High school applicants should only submit still photographs. The video awards are for college and graduate students only.)

B) Five (5) $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to five (5) college or technical school students, payable to their school. Four awards will be for video work while one will be for still photography.

C) One (1) $2,500 scholarship will be awarded to one (1) graduate student, payable to their school, for video work.

How to Apply: Click here for more information

Focus of work and entries: PHOTOJOURNALISM. Scholarships will be awarded to those students whose work “tells a story”. This is a fairly broad topic and may include a variety of subject matter and approaches (breaking news, sporting events, etc.) Please keep in mind, for the still photography submissions, that we are NOT looking for “art” photography.

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