The Women’s Ministries Scholarship Program


The deadline for getting the completed application and references to the Women’s Ministries director of the union where your chosen college is located is October 15.


The Women’s Ministries Scholarship Program is established to give scholarships to women who are committed to serving the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who would otherwise be unable to afford a Christian education. Scholarship awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, and community outreach. Specific amounts of scholarship awards vary from year to year and are dependent on the amount of funds available.

Scholarships may only be obtained through your home division. (Students from outside of the North American Division who are attending school in NAD can have your applications processed in NAD if you have a green card. If you have a student visa, you must apply in your home division.)


  • Any woman who is enrolled in a Seventh-day Adventist college in the North American Division and, if from outside NAD, has a green card. Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students only, and primary consideration will be given to those in their last two years of undergraduate study. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need, ability, and the recipient’s determination to improve herself.
  • Applicants must hold a current GPA of at least 3.0.


Fill out the application, provide a transcript of your latest year in school and three recommendations written by your pastor, church leaders, and/or teachers.

Applicants will be screened by a committee at the Women’s Ministries office of your union, by the North American Division, and by the General Conference Women’s Ministries Scholarship Committee.

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