Udall Undergraduate Scholarship


March 3, 2022


The Udall Scholarship provides

  • Access to the Udall Alumni Network: an association of change-makers, working in Indian country and environmental fields, sharing innovative ideas, professional advice, and job and internship opportunities.
  • Five days in Tucson, Arizona, at Scholar Orientation: extending your professional network, meeting other scholars and alumni, and learning new skills.
  • Up to $7,000 for eligible academic expenses. (See our FAQs for scholarship award benefits and conditions.)

Is the Udall Scholarship right for me? Check the category that best fits your interests and goals to find out more.

  • Tribal Policy For Native Americans and Alaska Natives working on an array of policy issues in Indian country
  • Native Health Care For Native Americans and Alaska Natives pursuing health-related careers
  • Environment For all undergraduates interested in conservation and environmental issues


  • You are enrolled in a state or federally recognized tribe or band;
  • One or more of your parents or grandparents was an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe or band
  • You are a permanent U.S. resident or U.S. citizen who is a member of the First Nations of Canada.

About the Scholarship – Who Should Apply

Are you working towards positive solutions to environmental challenges or to issues impacting Indian country?
Have you demonstrated your commitment to one of these areas through public service?
Do you inspire and motivate others to take action?
Are you committed to making a difference through civility and consensus building?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, the Udall Scholarship may be right for you. Click on the category that best fits your interests and goals to find out more.Tribal Policy

For Native Americans and Alaska Natives working on an array of policy issues in Indian countryNative Health Care

For Native Americans and Alaska Natives pursuing health-related careersEnvironment

For undergraduates interested in conservation and environmental issues

View the sample Application

View the Application Rating Form

How To Apply: Click Here For More Information

Step 1: Determine if the Udall Scholarship is right for you. Review About the Scholarship and Who Should Apply pages.

Step 2Find your Facultyrep. Only your school’s Udall faculty representative can give you access to the online application. Contact your faculty rep today; many schools have internal deadlines up to six months earlier than the Udall Foundation’s submission deadline of 3/3/2022.

Step 3: Review the sample application. The Udall Scholarship is a highly competitive award; start now so that you can prepare the best application possible. Work closely with your faculty rep as you revise your application.

Step 4: Request your letters of recommendation and transcripts. Visit our FAQs to learn more.

Step 5: Revise, revise, revise. Visit Advice and Guidance for additional information.

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