Deadline: December 15th of each year Description: “ is an online resource to SARMs and other research chemicals, reviews and education. For this reason, we’re pleased to announce the Sarm Guide Scholarship. We know that affording continued education can be costly, which is why we set up our program to help offset the cost of attending. We will distribute $2000 […]
Daily Archives: 06/04/2020
Deadline: For Fall semester: April 30 For Spring semester: September 30 Description: “CHESTER will award one (1) $2,500 scholarship to each winner determined by our judges. A total of four (4) scholarships will be awarded for each calendar year. This scholarship is designed to help young entrepreneurs afford the rising cost of education and help them along the road to […]
Deadline: Final deadline: September 15th Opens: July 15th Description: “The Gates Scholarship is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for exceptional, Pell-eligible, minority, high school seniors. Starting in 2018, the scholarship will be awarded to 300 top student leaders each year with the intent of promoting their academic excellence through college graduation, and providing them the opportunity to reach their full potential.” Basic Eligibility: […]