Orangesoft Women in Technology Scholarship Program


October 31


Orangesoft offers a scholarship dedicated to female college or university students pursuing STEM, or other technology-related studies and careers. As an Orangesoft Scholar, you will receive new financial opportunities and a chance to participate in the IT industry development.


  • Be a student who is currently studying at or has been accepted to an accredited college or university in the United States.
  • Be currently enrolled in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) degree-granting program OR demonstrate plans to pursue a career in the field of technology after graduation.
  • Identify as a woman.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

How to Apply: Go to Scholarship

Write an essay on the following topic:

The women in tech who inspire you and why?
What have you done or plan to do to become the next big name in the tech industry?

Essay length: Approximately 500 words.

Format: Fill the Application Form below. Please clearly name your file with your full name.

Please note that only one essay per person is allowed.

The applicants who share their essays with a link to Orangesoft website on an online resource like a student blog on their university’s website, their own website, or a blogging platform such as will receive higher priority in getting the scholarship.

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