See us, Hear us: Climate Justice Scholarship


 December 15, 2021


As the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change, DoSomething’s millions of members represent every US area code and 131 countries. Using our digital platform, DoSomething members join our volunteer, social change, and civic action campaigns to make real-world impact on causes they care about. You could win a $2,500 scholarship by advocating for bold action against climate injustice! Share how your community faces climate injustice, as well as your vision for a greener future. We’ll put your stories on the first-ever “Youth Map of Climate Injustice” and share directly with the EPA.


If you are 25 years old or younger and live in the US or Canada (or are a citizen of either country, but living abroad), you are eligible for all of our scholarships. There is no minimum age, and we never require a GPA, essay, or recommendation.

How to Apply: Go to Scholarship

If you believe our government must do more to combat climate injustice and environmental racism, take action today. We’ll share your stories directly with the EPA for bold action to be taken. Share TWO things:

  1. How your community is facing or may face climate injustice or environmental racism. Perhaps you have an oil refinery or toxic waste site in your community, or you reside in a coastal city that is at higher risk of floods, or you belong to a community who won’t be able to migrate easily if necessary due to a natural disaster.
  2. Your vision for a greener future for your communityPerhaps you envision a future where everyone in your community has equal access to electric-powered transportation or where there are more public parks.

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