The InvestmentZen $1k Financial Future Scholarship


April 1


“InvestmentZen aims to promote a lifetime of financial responsibility which starts as soon as we start managing our own money. The good financial habits we develop as collegiates can serve us for the rest of our lives. To help promote financial responsibility among post-secondary students around the world, we’re thrilled to award one $1,000 USD scholarship annually to help alleviate educational costs.


All applicants must be actively enrolled full-time in an accredited college/university in any country.

How to Apply: Go to Scholarship

To enter, please submit an essay (500-1500 words) in English answering one of the following:

  1. How are you managing your money in college to prepare for a bright financial future?
  2. What financial challenges have you overcome in your life? What lesson(s) did they teach you?
  3. What are the most common financial pitfalls you see your peers making, and what advice do you have for them?

Winners will be selected based on the quality of their writing and answers and will be notified via the email address provided.

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