Scholarship For Marketing Students


Please note that our scholarship deadline ends on the 15th of May of every year. We will display the names of the winners on the 31st of May every year on our company’s website.


With innumerable talented marketers available worldwide, the All Star Plumbing introduces its Marketing Scholarship Program. This scholarship is presented to offer financial support to eligible students in the UK, the USA, Australia, and Canada. Most importantly, applicants must be studying a major subject as a full-time or part-time at a recognized university or college in an undergraduate or postgraduate course.”


  1. Have declared a major in marketing and been accepted to that major. Be citizens of UK/ Australia/ U.S/ Canada or permanent residents. An applicant who is not a UK/Australia/ U.S/Canada citizen is NOT eligible for a scholarship.
  2. Should be an undergraduate student.
  3. Have completed a minimum of 72 credit hours by April 1 and 84 credits by the start of the fall semester (registered credits included). A student whose program has followed an irregular pattern must be at an equivalent stage. Moreover, such a student must have successfully completed at least one semester of the college’s intermediate accounting course(s).
  4. Have achieved an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  5. Should have attained 18 years of age at the start of the program.
  6. The winners are announced online on our website by 31st May of every year.

How to Apply: Click Here for More Information

Write and submit a research paper on the the topic “What manipulation tactics do brands use to get more customers?” to

The application consists of the following sections: Personal Information & Questionnaire, Academic Information, Attach Documents, Letter of Recommendation (also includes Financial Aid information request), and Proposal. Each section must be completed in full by the student to be eligible for scholarship consideration.

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