2021 Cancer Scholarship


 December 15, 2021.


The Laborde Earles Law Firm LLC is proud to announce the 2020 Cancer Scholarship. The firm invites college students to apply for the 2020 Cancer Scholarship. The law firm awards the scholarship annually to a deserving student.

Our legal team is proud to sponsor the scholarship as a way of supporting young scholars. We believe investing in those pursuing their education is one of the best ways to invest in the future.


The Cancer Scholarship is open to all college applicants planning to study medicine, public health, toxicology, or another related field. Eligibility guidelines include:

  • A minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Being admitted to or currently attending a college or university
  • Submitting an essay according to the application requirements
  • Using the form on the page to apply
  • Applicant agreeing to terms and condition

The scholarship award goes to the best submission that meets all required guidelines. The award of $2,500 must be used for college-related expenses such as tuition and books.

How To Apply:

Applicants must apply using the application form on the page. The deadline for applications is December 15, 2021.
Those applying for the scholarship are encouraged to carefully review all guidelines and application requirements before submitting their final application.

Laborde Earles Law Firm LLC looks forward to receiving submissions from students in the fields of medicine, public health, or other related fields. It is our hope that this call for scholarship submissions draws the attention of the intended target of policymakers and politicians

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